The world is complex, multi-centric, and hyper-connected, which calls for a comprehensive approach to address its challenges.
The 4444® movement has established 72 platforms to engage people from all walks of life.
Before considering them fully formed theories, the hypotheses need further development.
Seventy Two Platforms
LAST UPDATE 2023-09-11
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As a frame of reference, our breath’s scent, which mirrors our past behavior, can be a just gauge of our condition.
By inhaling and exhaling within our shared atmosphere, we constantly manipulate one another private internal environment, affecting each other’s health. Our fitness is expressed by the scent of our unique breath, mirroring our past behavior accurately. As a universal frame of reference to gauge our lifestyles, the scent-based quantum information of this mechanism compels us to collaborate and support each other, possibly, regardless of the body we reincarnate in.
This platform delves into creating a quantum nose for fitness analysis, utilizing biomimetic and biohybrid sensors with neuromorphic computing.
This platform explores the development of a quantum nose using biomimetic and biohybrid sensors with neuromorphic computing. As a personalized frame of reference, the non-invasive wearable devices will help us monitor our lifestyle choices' impact to improve our condition and prevent diseases. Although highly speculative, it explores the hypothesis that the quantum information could match with that of our future rebirths, enabling us to optimize our condition continuously.
The scent-based index will promote well-being, help eliminate illnesses, and turns education and good deeds into novel forms of wealth.
This platform suggests a scent-based index as an alternative to social credit systems. The growth of individuals is limited or facilitated by our collective spirit, as we are interlinked in various fields. Individual progress leads to collective progress. The marker's capacity to chronicle general well-being boosts cooperation. It unites humanity, helps eliminate most illnesses, and turns education and good deeds into novel forms of wealth.
This platform concerns the harmony of our gut flora to multifarious functions, including development, neurobehavioural traits, metabolism, and immunity.
The mystical teachings stress the health of what is narrated in Bereshit 3:1 as “Nakhash” (נָחָשׁ; Snake) corresponding to our ‘Intestinal Tract’ (Gut) and “Afar” (עָפָר; Dirt, Earth) corresponding to our ‘Microbiome’ (Microbiota). Considering the manipulative mechanism of our gut flora to multifarious functions, including development, neurobehavioural traits, cognition, fecundity, metabolism, and immunity—the harmony of our gut ecosystem is essential for our well-being.
This platform primarily intends to examine the dynamics of organisms that live in the rhizosphere, such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and algae, concerning Human Well-beings.
This platform primarily concerns the environmental biodiversity of soil microbiomes, namely the dynamics of organisms that live in the rhizosphere such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and algae. To enhance ‘global fruitfulity,’ it intends to establish general guidelines and examine the application of technologies such as deep learning frameworks to optimize the symbiotic relationship among soil, humans, animals, plants, fish, and aquatic systems.
This platform primarily concerns the experience-dependent multi-scale oscillatory networks by comparing the brain to a ‘musical instrument’ (King David’s Harp).
In the realm of neuroscience, and by comparing the brain to a ‘musical instrument,’ which is referred to as “David’s Harp” (K’Nour, כנור; literary ‘like firing’), this platform primarily concerns the experience-dependent multi-scale oscillatory networks emerging—inter alia—from our unique brain wirings, the ratios of anatomical brain regions to total brain volume, and the cerebrospinal fluid within the four ventricles, which are narrated as four rivers in Bereshit 2:10.
This platform examines Corpus Callosum (CC) morphology and the ratio of CC to total brain volume concerning the well-being of humankind.
This platform concerns Corpus Callosum (CC) morphology, the ratio of CC to total brain volume, etc. Represented as the letter “Nun” (Hebrew “נ or ן”) in Psalm 91:12 (Nun: Fish or Serpent), symbolized as “Seraf,” a six-winged messenger (מלאך, “Malakh”), and hinted as the “Secret Vav” (Connector; Six) of redemption (Zohar, Vayera 119a), etc., the mystical teaching suggests that our individual and collective harmony is primarily associated with our commissural fibers.
Examining the geno- and envirotypic factors, this platform concerns the molecular mechanisms of the brain’s asymmetrical development and lateralized behaviors.
This platform concerns the brain’s asymmetrical development, such as the Yakovlevian torque and lateralized behaviors. Based on Torah’s narrative as when Yakov “crossed his hands” and laid his right hand on Efraim’s head and his left hand on Menashe’s head, it studies the interplay between geno- and envirotypic factors resulting in most humans exhibiting right hemisphere dominance only until three years of age, slow-wave activity (SWA), synaptic pruning, and so on.
QONSCIOUSNESS suggests that our consciousness emerges through an olfactory mechanism interconnected with the quantum realm.
This platform suggests that our consciousness emerges through an olfactory mechanism interconnected with the quantum realm. This phenomenon is based on a quantum-mechanical process ubiquitous in various biological systems. Our Qonsciousness is not limited to the brain. Olfactory perception is present throughout our bodies, and in all stages of life, even before an embryo is entirely conceived, as the odorant receptors are present in the human sperm cell.
This platform aims to promote ideal norms and environmental forces regulating gene and protein expression in favor of human health.
A deeper understanding of the pathophysiology and etiology of specific human conditions has resulted from identifying novel associations between mechanisms of genome plasticity and those conditions. This platform desires to leverage this knowledge to develop healthier norms and environmental stimuli.
Feminine Peace stresses the urgent need to appoint “feminine” women and not masculine females in leadership positions for the greater good of society.
With increased regularity, we witness more masculine females in leadership positions. Premised on mystical exegesis of scriptures and by referring to the unique biological characteristics of the female brain—underscoring women’s superior sense of smell—Feminine Peace stresses the urgent need to appoint “feminine” women and not masculine females in leadership positions for the greater good of society.
Primarily founded on the unique biological advantages of women’s anatomy, this platform elaborates on exclusive obligations concerning women.
Primarily founded on the unique biological advantages of women’s anatomy and to ensure fairness among the two sexes, this platform elaborates on exclusive obligations concerning women. Nonetheless, subject to a tri-party accord hinted at the mystical teachings, these obligations do not grant men any corresponding rights. On the contrary, men must continuously inspire, support, and appreciate their life partners to meet their commitments.
The mission of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is to establish the status of women as superior to create harmony between the two sexes.
Even though culture and education both play significant roles, based on the latest biological discoveries, as well as theological, including Judeo-Chrislamic sources, the mission of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is to establish the status of women as superior in order to create harmony between the two sexes: Once a woman is made a man’s superior, he becomes her equal, and not her inferior.
Based on mystical sources, this platform introduces the concept of ‘Alef harmony,’ allowing a harmonious duality, resulting in oneness between the two sexes.
We are witnessing a skyrocketing number of singles, troubled marriages, divorces, confusion among the sexes, increased related mental health disorders, suicides, and so on. Gender Harmony clarifies the roots of misguided quests for “balance” and the fruitless search for equality. This platform introduces the concept of ‘Alef harmony’ that replaces these misconceptions with a harmonious duality, resulting in oneness between the two sexes.
An invisible bridge between Iranians and Israelis to be built by feminine-female leaders to achieve lasting peace and to cherish the 2700 years of intertwined histories.
An invisible bridge between Iranians and Israelis to be built by feminine-female leaders to achieve lasting peace. GreenBlueBridge intends to create two shadow governments, representing Iran and Israel, to collaborate with think tanks and academia in demonstrating the strategic benefits of cooperation between their respective nations. Once established, the two people will extend their know-how to bridge other societies to one other worldwide.
This platform addresses the misguided feminist movement, as encouraging women to behave like men is fighting a losing battle against human nature.
Considering the unique biological attributes of women, the need for the appreciation of feminine qualities is critical for general well-being. Training women to behave like men is fighting a losing battle against human nature, negatively affecting her aesthetics and psyche. Empowering women to do what men do is depreciating and sometimes even corrupting her abilities, impairing families and communities.
Spiralnomy aims to create economic, financial, and monetary systems prioritizing human flourishing by utilizing personalization, positive-sum design, and abundance-based principles.
Spiralnomy uses research from fields such as neuroeconomics to develop new economic, financial, and monetary systems that prioritize human flourishing by continuously assessing individuals’ ‘SpiritoScores.’ Personalization, positive-sum design, and abundance-based principles can facilitate effective communication, cooperation, and appreciative stakeholder collaboration.
Through the lens of botany, this platform suggests a global creation of a multiplicity of small, self-governing, sovereign entities at three levels.
As a single global polity exceedingly rewards a small group of individuals, overrides individual morality, and restricts visions for broader socio-economic developments, this platform considers the globe one giant tree granting a ‘universal confederation,’ the seven continents as its seven branches, and its leaves as a multiplicity of small, self-governing, sovereign entities at three levels — Cantons, Cities, and Communities — exercising broad political, administrative, fiscal, and market autonomy.
Analogous to the ‘utility’ of the trunk of a tree, TRUNKUTILITY concerns sustainable management and just distributions within global households.
Analogous to the ‘utility’ of a trunk in the realm of botany, with a single objective to enhance global ‘FRUITFULITY,’ by harnessing collaborative, technology-driven frameworks to monitor and manage various conditions continuously, this platform concerns harmonious, appropriate, transparent, and universally acceptable frameworks and tools for sustainable management of the global households and just distributions among the branches and leaves.
This platform suggests vesting Authority and Power in local mayors, who, as ‘pragmatic servants,’ manage community issues and collaborate with their peers.
Given the modern global system complexity level does not permit a ‘global CEO,’ this platform suggests vesting Authority and Power in local mayors and their administrations. Mayors need to be ‘pragmatic servants’ dealing with daily community issues and collaborate with their peers as their interests are aligned. Based on collective identity, both mayors and the people will feel a sense of obligation and appreciation for the norms tailored to their needs.
To protect the fundamental values of democracy, FEMOCRATIA suggests a new system of governance in which Power is vested in women while Authority is vested in men.
To advance fairness and justice among citizens, the mystical interpretation of the scriptures suggests a new system of governance in which Power is vested in women while Authority is vested in men. This platform elaborates on the roles and how applying the unique and precious feminine qualities can establish and protect the fundamental values of democracy, such as political voice and citizens’ moral, social, and legal fairness.
DIFARMAMENT suggests a new military budget to finance R&D, engineering, production, and servicing of infrastructures to build and continuously upgrade smart communities.
As Cantons become the largest political entities, this platform suggests new characteristics for Civil Guards, as they will replace National Guards and the heavy national military armed force infrastructures. However, the current military spending needs to increase to finance research and development, engineering, production, and servicing of new infrastructures to build and continuously upgrade new state-of-the-art smart cities, communities, and homes.
Based on global treaties, OUR TREETY’s objectives include granting autonomy to those unanimous in their desire for internal and external self-determination.
Founded on treaties and covenants, this platform’s objectives include defining “peoples,” forming diverse ‘minorities only’ cantons, and granting autonomy to those unanimous in their desire for internal and external self-determination. It concerns the needed conventions — inter alia — to cope effectively with global challenges and opportunities, as a peremptory norm (jus cogens), and an ongoing education platform ensuring the need for maintenance and not enforcement of the norms.
Through different lenses, this platform intends to develop frameworks to encourage prosocial behaviors and study ecological factors’ role in intragroup multi-omics.
As tribalism factors predominantly in the socio-politico-economic domain, through different lenses such as psychoneuroendocrinology, this platform intends to develop frameworks to encourage prosocial behaviors and study ecological factors’ role in intragroup multi-omics. The resulting diversity enables a spiral development of “best practices” in various fields and continuous lifestyle adaptation to improve the global ‘FRUITFULITY.’
This platform concerns the well-being of Mother Nature. A mother normally provides the needed umbilical cords despite the number of her embryos.
This platform concerns the well-being of Mother Nature. A mother normally provides the needed umbilical cords despite the number of her embryos; however, her milk’s quantity and nutritional quality depend on her well-being. Given the quantum effects in photosynthesis, to move future societies towards sustainability, it examines the role of infants’ higher ‘SpiritoScores’ and the declining “Total Fertility Rates” within the “trophic pyramid.”
This platform concerns long-term changes in the Earth’s weather patterns and a potential correlation between “Global warming” and “Human cooling.”
This platform concerns global warming, long-term changes in the Earth’s weather patterns, and the systems that cause them. It discusses various issues related to climate change’s external and internal forcing mechanisms and a potential correlation between “Global warming” and “Human cooling” since the industrial revolution. It proposes using the ‘SpiritoScore’ as a measurable frame of reference to adjust climate-related policies.
This platform examines the deployment of AI to find iterative micro-improvements for human-centered, nature-based, and diversified crop-livestock ‘spiral farming.’
To continuously enhance people’s ‘SpiritoScores,’ based on a system of systems (SoS) approach, this platform aims for human-centered, nature-based, and diversified crop-livestock ‘spiral farming.’ As every field has unique properties, it suggests an outcome-based approach by leveraging remote sensing, imagery, and advanced data analytics methods, such as machine learning and big data analytics — inter alia — to find iterative micro-improvements.
REBUED concerns the transparency within the intersection of regulators, businesses, and educational institutions, influencing policy decisions and public institutions.
This platform concerns the intersection of regulators, businesses, and educational institutions. It aims to create frameworks to monitor how organizations influence policy decisions and public institutions. While business, government, and education leaders need to collaborate, there is a need for transparent platforms to create healthy and ethical ecosystems. Given education and policies are normative, the norms need to increase people’s ‘SpiritoScores’.
As “war games” seem part of human nature, this platform intends to suggest solutions to replace zero-sum and lethal games.
Besides the high costs of armed conflicts, there are various other warfares, such as trade wars, currency wars, cyberwars, media wars, and by advancement and accessibility of new technologies, even allowing the non-state actors to join the parties or to create new games. As “war games” seem to be part of human nature, this platform intends to suggest solutions to replace the zero-sum and ‘lethal’ games.
The ‘Objectives, Norms, and Key Results’ (ONKRs) framework defines measurable goals and normative policies and tracks their outcomes.
The ‘Objectives, Norms, and Key Results’ (ONKRs) is a framework for defining qualitative objectives based on a ‘frame of reference,’ resulting from efficient, empirically measurable actions; Normative policies facilitating a fluent path. And tracking one or more quantitative Key results, based on ‘point of reference,’ resulting from effective, non-empirical measures.
Based on archaeological evidence, DVYD exhibits the authentic “Shield of David” (Magen David), which is a concept associated with the letter Alef (א).
This platform exhibits the authentic “Shield of David” (Magen David), which is a concept — not a star. Associated with the letter Alef (א) — as a designation for God — a portrait of this concept was uncovered in 2011 in the City of David. King David regarded “Adonai” (“My Lord”) as his Master (Alufo) and Shield, as he says, “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me.” As the primordial secret, this concept represents the key to the Adam-Eve-Snake narrative and is associated with the oversized midpoint letter of the Torah.
Through the lens of various theological systems, this platform compares the prophecies about the messianic times and the concept of the final redeemer.
This platform compares the prophecies about the messianic times and the concept of the person who is referred to as the Moshiakh, Moshiach or Mashiakh (Hebrew: משיח), Messiah (Greek: μεσσίας), Mahdi (Arabic: ٱلْـمَـهْـدِي) aka Emam Zāman (Farsi: امام زمان), Maitreya (Sanskrit: मैत्रेय), Saoshyant (Avestan: 𐬯𐬀𐬊𐬳𐬌𐬌𐬀𐬧𐬝), Ram (Sanskrit: राम), Kalki (Sanskrit: कल्कि), Babiyye (Farsi: بابیه; English: Bábism), and Li Hong (Chinese: 李洪), and so on.
Based on various sources, Jerusalem’s name will be changed to ‘Ir HaShalom,’ ‘עיר השלום,’ ‘City of HaShalom,’ with Gematria of 661= Jerusalem (596) + Adonai (65).
Based on various sources such as Bilam’s prophecy and Isaiah 60.14, Jerusalem’s name will be changed to ‘Ir HaShalom,’ ‘עיר השלום,’ ‘City of HaShalom,’ with Gematria of 661= “Ester” (אסתר), fulfilling Zakhariah’s 2:14 “Daughter of Tsion” prophecy. The 661 (596+65) also confirms the “Repatriation of Shekhina” to Jerusalem ירושלים (596) + Adonai אדני “My Lord” (65), representing Malkhut (Kingdom) and affirming “Yom Yerushalayim.” (בראשית_ברא_אלהים
=1202= עיר_השלום + עץ_השלום)
Based on various sources, Israel will be named ‘Ets HaShalom,’ ‘עץ השלום,’ ‘Tree of HaShalom,’ with a standard Gematria of 541 equal to “ישראל” (Israel).
Based on various sources such as Bilam’s prophecy and Isaiah 11:1, Israel will be named ‘Ets HaShalom,’ ‘עץ השלום,’ ‘Tree of HaShalom,’ with a standard Gematria of 541 equal to “ישראל” (Israel). Its ordinal Gematria becomes 111, which is the full-name Gematria of “Alef.” The new ccTLD and ISO Alpha 2 will become ‘EH.’ The new ISO Alpha 3 becomes ‘EHS’ corresponding to ‘עלכם השלום,’ (Gematria 541), meaning, “Peace be upon you.”
This platform concerns the 23rd Hebrew letter, Alef-Afes (א∅), expressing the digit Zero. Alef is the Masterkey to harmonizing ‘paradoxical’ entities, akin to the Yin-Yang.
This platform concerns the letter Alef (א) within Hebrews’ alphanumeric system. Based on Isaiah 44:6, it exhibits the Alef-Afes (א∅) as the 23rd Hebrew letter and a previously ‘missing’ notation expressing the digit Zero. As “the missing Alef” between “Golah” (גולה) “Confinement” and “Geulah” (גאולה) “Redemption,” א∅ completes the Alef as the key to harmonizing ‘paradoxical’ entities, akin to the Yin-Yang, and it correlates to the 23rd pair of chromosomes, the sex chromosome.
Based on various sources and the unique wiring of our brains, this platform elaborates on the need for a personalized religion rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
Based on various teachings such as in Dào (道) ‘way,’ ToRah (תורה; توراه; ) Farsi: ‘your way,’ ToTaft (טוטפת; توتافت) Farsi: ‘your wire(s),’ and Torah’s 613th commandment “And now, write for yourselves this song… ,” as well as our unique ‘symphony’ generated by the state of wiring of the “connectome” of our brain, this platform elaborates on the need for a personalized religion. The term religion etymologically connotes ‘re-wiring.’
In reliance on behavioral psychology and functional sociology, this platform examines how the Noahide Laws would improve the global ‘fertility capital.’
The Seven Noahide Laws — 1. To establish courts of justice, 2. Not to curse God’s name, 3. Not to worship idols, 4. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality, 5. Not to commit murder, 6. Not to steal, 7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. (Sanhedrin 56a) — do not command one to worship a deity or practice a religion. In reliance on behavioral psychology and functional sociology, a novel interpretation examines how the codes would improve the global ‘fertility capital.’
This platform elaborates on the Islamic concept of “313” (۳۱۳) in relation to the letter Shin (ש, ش), Moshiakh (358), the Menorah, and the Christmas tree.
Through Judeo-Chrislamic lens, this platform elaborates on the Islamic concept of “313” (۳۱۳) in relation to Imam Mahdi (ٱلْمَهْدِيّ). The letter Shin (ش), being the 13th modern Arabic letter with a numerical value of 300, corresponds to 313. However, the sum of components of the Hebrew letter Shin (ש) is equal to 358, which is the numerical value of Moshiakh (משיח). Moreover, ۳۱۳ (313) is associated with the seven-branched candelabra (Menorah) and the Christmas tree.
This platform suggests changing the name of a place that provides healing and vitality because of its remarkable microbial life from the “Dead Sea” to the ‘Vitality Sea.’
This platform concerns the Earth’s lowest point of 1414 feet (431 meters) below sea level. It suggests changing the name of a place that provides healing and vitality from the “Dead Sea” to the ‘Vitality Sea.’ Akin to the root of a tree, this platform examines how the remarkable microbial life of this phenomenon, as one of the saltiest bodies of water containing various distinct minerals, can enhance the vitality of humanity around the world.
This platform elaborates on Abrahm’s wife as a ‘spiritual mother,’ and a role model for all “righteous women,” of our generation.
Born as Yiskāh (יסכה), Abrahm called his first wife, Sōri (שרי), meaning “my superior.” However, God adjusted her name to Sōrāh (שרה) to extend her status as a ‘spiritual mother,’ and a role model for all “righteous women.” Based on Hadith, this platform elaborates on various “End Time” (آخر الزمان) prophecies and how SORAYAH (ثريّة ,שריה) with the reverse avgad Gematria of 313 is associated to Imam Mahdi’s mother attributes Nargis (نرگس), Sayra (سیرا), and Malekāh (ملیکه).
ABRAHMIC elaborates on why the Judeo-Chrislamic religions are not following Abrahm’s path based on sources such as Bereshit 17:1 and Surah An-Nisa (The Women) Ayat 125 (حُنَفَاءَ لِلَّهِ).
This platform elaborates on what made Abrahm unique and beloved in God's eye and why he cannot be the founder of monotheism. Moreover, in our generation, the Judeo-Chrislamic religions are not following Abrahm’s path based on sources such as Bereshit 17:1, Surah An-Nisa (The Women) Ayat 125 (حُنَفَاءَ لِلَّهِ), and so on. Therefore, people are not naturally ‘shielded’ by Abrahm’s covenant mentioned in Bereshit 15:1: “I am a shield to you” (“אנכי מגן לך”).
QABBALLAH (connotation: “to receive; to get” and “parallel; comparison”) intends to elaborate on how to create a database for various parallel phenomena.
The ancient discipline commonly transliterated as “Kabbalah” (קבלה), with the triconsonantal root, Q+B+L, is associated with ‘QiBeL’ (קִבֵּל) “to get; to receive” and ‘haQBaLa’ (הַקְבָּלָה) “parallel; comparison,” indicating that to receive new knowledge, we can align and compare them with something that we are familiar with. Among others, similar to a dictionary, this platform intends to create a database for various parallel phenomena.
Based on the teachings of Torah, this platform elaborates on the goal of life and its relation to the natural fragrance of our bodies, which alters with our lifestyle.
To identify the goal of life, imagine being a transhumanist intending to transfer her/his consciousness via the cloud to a replaceable synthetic substrate. Naturally, we expect to have diverse pleasurable experiences while expanding our consciousness. However, we need some protocols for our substrates to keep our consciousness healthy. The Torah suggests that the natural fragrance of our body/substrate, which changes with our lifestyle, indicates the state of that health.
Considering the aged hostility toward Tsionism started with the first Tsionist, Abrahm, born in the Jewish Calendar year 1948, this platform sheds light on real Zionism.
This platform sheds light on Zionism and the concept of the “Daughter of Tsion” (Tsion, ציון). The hostility toward Tsionism started with the first Tsionist, Abrahm. Born in the Jewish Calendar year 1948, he came to the land of modern-day Israel at the age of 75. Conversely, the new anti-Zionism reemerged as the modern state of Israel was reborn in the Gregorian calendar year 1948. After completing 75 years on 2024-05-14, Israel will eventually be called ‘Ez HaShalom.’
This platform elaborates on probable causes for the excessive interest in Jewish affairs despite the Jewish people making up only 0.19% of the world’s population.
‘Natural Selection’ or Naturally Selected? Just as we witness excessive interest in Jewish affairs despite Jews make up 0.19% of the world’s population, as the only ‘global people,’ yet consistently identified as Jews, they have constantly faced discrimination. Given no unique Jewish genotype or shared exposure to particular environmental stimuli, does nature observe the Jews through a ‘filtered’ variation of the Darwinian glass by any ‘random’ chance?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.
To achieve circadian alignment and improve health, this platform suggests adopting 25-hour days to get closer to the lunar day.
Maintaining optimal health includes circadian alignment. Through the perspective of chronobiology and drawing from mystical concepts associated with Shabbat’s 25-hour duration, this platform suggests a shift from the current 24-hour solar days to 25-hour days for improved alignment with the lunar day. This modification could enhance defense against diseases linked to Circadian Rhythm Disruption (CRD) and enable us to generate multiple intraday ‘biological prime time’ episodes.
This platform stresses intermittent behaviors between various relative activities and tranquility to improve dynamics, such as sleeping, sexual activity, and eating.
This platform stresses intermittent behaviors between relative activities and tranquility to improve general dynamics. For instance: Work/rest cycles and bi-phasic sleep cycles of 7-8 hrs at night plus 1 hr during the day to increase performance. Intermittent fasting of a maximum of 8 hours of eating to enhance metabolic regulation. ‘Sexual rejuvenation cycles’ of 7 days of separation during the monthly menstrual period to maintain intimacy and sexual attraction alive.
This platform explores best practices for achieving optimal lighting conditions in different settings to improve health, comfort, and productivity.
Utilizing various wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum could enhance our health, comfort, and productivity. Optimizing our circadian timing system in different settings requires considering the external zeitgeber of the proper light-dark cycle. In addition to the therapeutic benefits of natural light, this platform explores the essential qualities of artificial lighting, including brightness, Color Rendering Index, Flicker Rate, and their environmental impact on our well-being.
Considering our weekly cycles chiefly govern our life habits, YHUDAY suggests adding one day dedicated to ‘Education, Sharing, and Charity’ to our weeks.
Considering that our weekly cycles chiefly govern our life habits and destiny, to enhance ‘global fruitfulity,’ based on the various concept such as the “Magen David,” this platform suggests adding one day dedicated to ‘Education, Sharing, and Charity’ to our weekly cycles, establishing 3 weekend days, 5 working days, for an 8 days week. Various theological references suggest this day be called ‘YHUDAY’ “Lord’s day” (‘יום יהו’).
This platform aims to study the benefits of increasing the average core temperature to 37.8°C (100.04°F) and strategies for achieving it.
We witness a “Human cooling,” as the average core (central) adult body temperature has dropped since the 19th century. In healthy adults, the range of normal oral temperatures is 33.2–38.2 °C (91.8–100.8 °F), with women appearing to have a slightly higher body temperature than men. This platform aims to study the benefits of increasing the average core temperature to 37.8 °C (100.04 °F) and strategies for achieving it.
This platform intends to study the dynamics of global water bodies and urban water systems from a social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) perspective.
This platform intends to study the dynamics of global water bodies and urban water systems from a social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) perspective. It suggests the application of several AI-based IoT sensors — from the city down to the household levels — for the detection and quantification of contaminants at water distribution systems and wastewater treatment systems, as well as the transparent classification of various water-quality parameters.
This platform studies various aspects of the health ecosystem, such as compensation models, misaligned incentives, advertising, patents, and data quality and security.
As technologies such as quantum-enhanced machine learning can assist us with the massive amount of clinical and biological data, we get closer to receiving personalized, preventive, and predictive healthcare services with a more “holistic” and systems biology-based approach. This platform studies various aspects of the health ecosystem, such as compensation models, misaligned incentives, advertising, the patent system, data quality, data security, etc.
As human biological diversity does not permit one diet that fits all, FOODMEDS suggests a few modifications to general dietary standards.
As human biological diversity does not permit one diet that fits all, some principles, such as poor nutrition, toxins, or allergens, seem universal to cause internal imbalances triggering various illnesses. While the Torah suggests maintenance and continuous modification of dietary standards, it recommends food to be made fresh daily except for weekends. It states that our Creator appreciates the natural scent of our bodies, which evidently changes with our diet.
This platform elaborates on the benefits of proper breathing, proposes guidance for healthier indoor air quality, and examines the usage of oxygen exercise equipment.
While Humans are obligate aerobic organisms, most adult populations seem not to breathe correctly. Breathing is unique, as we can voluntarily override automatic respiration to influence our psychophysiological states. This platform elaborates on the benefits of proper breathing, proposes guidance for healthier indoor air quality, and examines the regular usage of oxygen exercise equipment, similar to fitness equipment.
This platform defines ‘Fruitfulity Capital’ as a blend of mainly non-material assets, such as creativity, fertility, productivity, quality, beauty, flowery, jollity, etc.
Considering Spiralnomy’s proposals eventually end people’s financial struggles, and as our last garment does not have any pockets, this platform suggests a form of capital communities could compete to invest their resources to optimize their quality of life while enhancing their Spitoscore. It defines ‘Fruitfulity Capital’ as a blend of mainly non-material assets, such as creativity, fertility, productivity, quality, beauty, flowery, jollity, etc.
As almost all children frequently bump their heads, this platform stresses using head guards for children to protect them from ‘Micro Brain Injuries’ (MBI).
As almost all children frequently bump their heads, this platform stresses using head guards for children, especially for boys. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults. Injuries to a developing brain could lead to psychosocial, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral abnormalities. And a possible misdiagnosis — at some later stage — leads to maltreatment and potentially prolonged suffering.
This platform concerns our oral hygiene. Besides pathological mouth healthcare, it addresses whatever enters and exits our mouth, including our words.
This platform concerns our oral hygiene. In addition to pathological mouth healthcare, it also addresses whatever enters and exits our mouth. The care is not limited to food, beverages, or air we inhale or exhale. It also includes the words and tones that we use when we communicate. It shows how the ‘not good’ terms primarily affect the speaker. We should not underestimate the effect of our words, as even our Creator is concerned by them.
This platform examines different exercises to strengthen the midline of the human body, starting within the brain, to the spine, stomach, and down to the reproductive organ.
This platform examines activities and distinct movements within exercises such as yoga, tai chi, and pilates mainly to strengthen the midline of the human body, starting within the brain, down to the larynx, neck, spine, heart, stomach, pelvic floor muscles and the reproductive organ. In addition to sports such as swimming, cardio, or weight training benefiting overall health, muscle tone, and bone mass, it stresses exercises to strengthen the trunk, joints, ligaments, nerves, etc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.
This platform aims to abolish all forms of physical and mental slavery and establish preventative measures against their recurrence.
Suggested changes will eventually abolish most forms of physical slavery, such as exploitative labor, sex, marriages, and soldiering. Still, a reliable compass is necessary for mental “freedom from” and “freedom to.” The deepest level of slavery, as per mystical scriptures, is mental enslavement, as people are unaware of their bondage.
Assuming judgments require a frame of reference, this platform hypothesizes that Earth’s magnetic field acts as an information-bearing and behavior-controlling entity.
Humans share various inalienable universals, such as many moral positions they mutually affirm. While even infants have a moral sense, toddlers who do not possess learned behavior can spontaneously act altruistically. Assuming judgments require a frame of reference, this platform hypothesizes that Earth’s magnetic field acts as an information-bearing and behavior-controlling entity (Tree of life), fed by collective human experiences during sleep, possibly via our right parahippocampal area.
The mystical sources suggest that all humans have an innate universal intuitive faculty shaping their ethical characteristics.
While the Torah rejects our Creator as the supreme moral authority, based on the versatile and complex Torah principles “to cultivate the path to the tree of life,” implying that our moral intuition grows organically over time to cultivate a path to pleasant life — the Jewish tradition suggests that all humans have an innate universal intuitive faculty shaping their ethical characteristics, which has evolved conjointly with our intellect over human history.
Based on the significance of brain inhibitory mechanisms and Talmudic sources, this platform stresses obligations rather than rights to a much larger degree.
Based on the significance of inhibitory mechanisms to appropriate behavior and the critical importance of neuroplasticity-based practices to develop men’s prefrontal cortex, as well as concerning human callosal-inhibition, the mystical scriptures—symbolically by Tefillin and practically within the Talmudic text—stress in a much larger degree on prohibitions and obligations rather than permissions and rights.
This platform discusses the design of ‘ethical mechanisms’ for artificial moral judgments based on the ’Tree of Life,’ ‘Tree of the Intelligence of Good and Evil,’ and the olfactory mechanism.
As intelligent agents, we design algorithms for machines to analyze their environment to learn or use information to take actions maximizing the probability of successfully achieving their goals, which ought to be aligned with the public’s interests. This platform discusses the design of ‘ethical mechanisms’ for artificial moral judgments based on the “Tree of Life,” “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,” and the olfactory mechanism.
This platform facilitates discussion on emerging opportunities and challenges of prospective innovations and disruptive technologies.
This platform facilitates discussion on emerging opportunities and challenges of prospective innovations such as artificial intelligence, FinTech, financial instruments, robotics, quantum computing, 3D printing, drones, the internet of things, genetics, autonomous vehicles, biotech, nanotech, and other disruptive technologies. The goal is to align the technologies with the interests of the public to enhance the global ‘FRUITFULITY.’
This platform intends to elaborate on how different phenomena constantly influence us toward desired behaviors and how our compass could guide us.
This platform intends to elaborate on how we are constantly influenced by norms and values towards desired behaviors and why we need to train our internal compass to judge the outcome of different behavioral patterns that might oppose our interests. At the same time, it intends to examine norms for artificial intelligence algorithms to assist communities in analyzing the objectives, possible developments and consequences of different types of content, policies and more.
This platform suggests a few pedagogical practices to better prepare students for coming societal changes and their life journeys.
This platform suggests a few pedagogical practices, such as ‘partner learning,’ to keep students more engaged and focused and to train their collaboration, mindful listening, articulation, reasoning, sharing, and emotional skills. Other topics include respect for parents, morality, manners, moderation & modesty before knowledge, resilience, forgiveness, creativity, critical thinking, complex problem-solving, pattern recognition, dating, partner choice and relationship advice, rules, obligations and discipline, nutrition, meditation and sleep, entrepreneurship, etc.
Similar to transhumanists’ intention to “upload consciousness” on the cloud, the scriptures narrate the ‘download of consciousness’ into Adam, involving five systems.
While some artificial intelligence researchers aim for “Singularity,” transhumanists intend to “upload the consciousness” on the cloud to recreate it in any synthetic substrate. However, the scriptures narrate the ‘download of consciousness’ into Adam involving five systems. For instance, our subjective first-person experience might also rely on a ‘collective frame of reference,’ as a network called “Yekhida” (יחידה) ‘Singularity.’
This platform seeks explanations as to which medium enables equilibrium between Yin and Yang, assuming harmony requires a kind of entanglement between two entities.
This platform seeks explanations for a few Chinese philosophical concepts. For instance, in Daoist teaching, the “Three Pure Ones” (道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。) “... One creates Two. Two creates Three… .” What happens to “One” (Yī) after creating “Two” (Èr)? And What medium enables the equilibrium state between Yin and Yang, assuming harmony requires a kind of entanglement between two entities, for example, corporal or ethereal?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, uqo consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore de magna aliqua.